Lok Hei Association &ament of Asian American

Lok Hei Association &ament of Asian American

Monday, May 11, 2020

Thank you everyone for send in your cards and artwork! We are working closely with hospitals and nursing centers so that your submissions can be shared and be widely accessible to our frontline heroes! Over the past weeks, the cards and artwork have be displayed publicly around hospitals and nursing centers across NYC. Here is an example of your messages of encouragement being displayed at the Bedford Center Nursing Home!

Please feel free to contact us if you want to submit anything to cheer on our frontline workers, and to let them know that their hardwork and dedication are not going unnoticed!
The cards can be scanned and emailed to thanku4stayinghome@gmail.com, or tag us with #‎thankufrontlinehero‬es. All submissions will be posted on our website at https://lhathankyou.blogspot.com/ .

#COVID19 #thankufrontlineheroes #healthcareworkers #serviceworkers #grateful #appreciation #3forcommunity #lhaproject

098 Asian Business Resource Group (ABRG) from Deloitte

097 Asian Business Resource Group (ABRG) from Deloitte

096 Asian Business Resource Group (ABRG) from Deloitte

095 Asian Business Resource Group (ABRG) from Deloitte

094 Thanks Jade Liang

093 Thanks Fiona Zhang

092 Thanks Au Centeno

091 Thanks Au Centeno

Friday, April 24, 2020

Thank you everyone for sending in your cards and artwork! Last week, we received pictures of the cards being displayed around Mount Saini Campus!
Please feel free to contact us if you want to submit anything to cheer on our frontline workers, and to let them know that their hard work and dedication are not going unnoticed!
The cards can be scanned and emailed to thanku4stayinghome@gmail.com, or tag us with #‎thankufrontlinehero‬es. All submissions will be posted on our website at https://lhathankyou.blogspot.com/ .

086 Becky Chen

085 Catrina W

084 Thanks Tina Jiang

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

074-075 Thanks Daisy Chan

073 Thanks Kylie Wen

072 Thanks Ashley Zhen

071 Thanks Olivia

070 Thanks Janelle Lau

068-069 Thanks Rui Chen

067 Thanks Peyton and Joshua

066 Thanks Yuan Xiao

Thank you everyone for sending in your cards and artwork! We are working closely with the hospitals so that they can be shared and widely accessible to our frontline heroes! Here are pictures of the cards and artwork being displayed around the Weill Cornell Medical Center.

Please feel free to contact us if you want to submit anything to cheer on our frontline workers, and to let them know that their hardwork and dedication are not going unnoticed!

The cards can be scanned and emailed to thanku4stayinghome@gmail.com, or tag us with #‎thankufrontlinehero‬es. All submissions will be posted on our website at https://lhathankyou.blogspot.com/ .